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Version: 7.0.0

Deploy your project

A deploy of your application uses aws-cdk to inspect your local build and automatically provision all of the necessary AWS resources as a single CloudFormation stack.

This includes:

  • S3 storage buckets for publishing datasources and containing bundled Report UI components
  • Lambda functions that run preprocessing and geoprocessing functions on-demand
  • A Gateway with REST API and Web Socket API for clients like SeaSketch to discover, access, and run all project resources over the Internet.
  • A DynamoDB database for caching function results

For every deploy after the first, it is smart enough to compute the changeset between your local build and the published stack and modify the stack automatically.

Setup AWS

You are not required to complete this step until you want to deploy your project and integrate it with SeaSketch. Until then, you can do everything except publish data or deploy your project.

You will need to create an AWS account with an admin user, allowing the framework to deploy your project using CloudFormation. A payment method such as a credit card will be required.

Expected cost: free to a few dollars per month. You will be able to track this.

AWS Account and User

If you are on the SeaSketch team, an AWS account and user will be provided to you.

Install AWSCLI

If you are using a Docker devcontainer to develop reports you should already have access to the aws command.

But if you are developing reports directly on your host operating system you will need to install AWS CLI and configure it with your IAM account credentials.

AWSCLI Credentials - Virtual

If you are using a virtual install setup, it would have instructed you to create a .env file from the provided .env.template file. This is were you need to configure two environment variables with your AWS admin account credentials. When you start your devcontainer the variables will be loaded into your shell environment and picked up by all aws commands. The benefit of loading the variables this way is that they will persist and you won't have to set them every time.


AWSCLI Credentials - Windows

When running on Windows you have two options for providing your AWS credentials

  1. configure credentials in Linux.
  2. load credentials from Windows

Configure Credentials in WSL Linux

Set environment variables in the .bashrc file in your Linux home directory.

nano ~/.bashrc

Ctrl-o to save
Ctrl-x to exit

Now, source the file into your current shell environment and verify the environment variables are set

source ~/.bashrc

Load Credentials From Windows

you have the option of installing awscli for Windows and then exposing your credentials in your WSL Linux environment. This allows you to manage one set of credentials for Windows and all Linux distros.

Assuming your username is alex, once you've installed awscli in Windows, confirm you now have the following files under Windows.


Now, open a Ubuntu shell and edit your bash environment variables to point to those files.

Add the following to your startup .bashrc file.

nano ~/.bashrc
export AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/mnt/c/Users/alex/.aws/credentials
export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=/mnt/c/Users/alex/.aws/config

Ctrl-o to save
Ctrl-x to exit

Now, source the file into your current shell environment and verify the environment variables are set

source ~/.bashrc

Confirm awscli is working

To check if awscli is configured run the following:

aws configure list

If no values are listed, then the AWS CLI is not configured properly. Go back and check everything over for this step.

Do the deploy

To deploy your project run the following:

npm run deploy

When the command completes, the stack should now be deployed. It should print out a list of URL's for accessing stack resources. You do not need to write these down. You can run the npm run url command at any time and it will output the RestApiUrl, which is the main URL you care about for integration with SeaSketch. After deploy a cdk-outputs.json file will also have been generated in the top-level directory of your project with the full list of URL's. This file is not checked into the code repository.


"gp-fsm-reports-test": {
"clientDistributionUrl": "",
"clientBucketUrl": "",
"datasetBucketUrl": "",
"GpRestApiEndpointBF901973": "",
"restApiUrl": "",
"socketApiUrl": "wss://"

Debugging deploy

  • If your AWS credentials are not setup and linked properly, you will get an error here. Go back and fix it.
  • The very first time you deploy any project to a given AWS data center (e.g. us-west-1), it may ask you to bootstrap cdk first. Simply run the following:
npm run bootstrap

Then deploy again.

  • If your deploy fails and it's not the first time you deployed, it may tell you it has performed a Rollback on the deployed stack to its previous state. This may or may not be successful. You'll want to verify that your project is still working properly within SeaSketch. If it's not you can always destroy your stack by running:
npm run destroy